The Shaping Force of Work – Nancy Ortberg, TBC

NancyOrtbergNancy Ortberg, CEO of Transforming the Bay with Christ
Work was designed by God to be a force in the world. Our work as leaders stands at the intersection of people, imagination and innovation…Personal, team, organizational, cultural and global transformation was God’s plan for his design of work, and we as leaders who follow him, have an opportunity of stewardship to co-operate with him in this endeavor
Nancy Ortberg served as a teaching pastor for eight years at Willow Creek Community Church in South Barrington, Illinois. During that time she led Network, a ministry that helps people identify their spiritual gifts and find a place of service in the church, and Axis, a weekly gathering for the 18- to 20- something generation. She is a founding partner of TeamWorx2, a business and leadership consulting firm that provides fast-paced, practical, and compelling sessions to leaders and their teams. She is the CEO of Transforming the Bay With Christ, a non-profit working to catalyze a holistic gospel movement in the San Francisco Bay Area. She and her husband, John, live in the Bay Area and have three children: Laura, Mallory, and Johnny.